This isn't a post about keyword research for video content on YouTube, but about exploring the ways in which it can be used to find relevant data, information and keywords in topics where you have a low understanding of the services and industry.
Now for an example...
You've just taken on the SEO contract for a private speech therapist based in the UK, and need to carry out industry and keyword research into the sector to best understand the opportunities available, and to structure their in-development website accordingly.
You don't know much about speech therapy, but you've been given some information by your client and now you're on the hunt for keywords. Heading over to the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, you put in "speech therapy" to see what suggestions/volumes are thrown up.
Keyword Research Results for Speech Therapy
Now although the results displayed by the Google Keyword Tool might be relevant to what you are looking for, they don't provide the bigger picture, which is what you should be looking for.


What to Expect

This post should  provide you with real-life examples of the keyword decision making process and help you make sense of the output from the revamped Keyword Difficulty Tool. If you're already a hardcore keyword research (and keyword difficulty) guru, this is more of a refresher, but should provide valuable insights to journeymen and perhaps a bit more transparency into how to choose the right keyphrases for your site (plus a bit of a tour for those of you who haven't used the Keyword Difficulty Tool for a while).

While you may get more value from this on smaller sites, and those that are newly launched, large sites with specific keyword targets may benefit, too.


There are a variety of tools and techniques recommended for SEO keyword research, from the free to the expensive, from the well-known to those that are almost kept a secret. However, there's one source of keyword ideas which is often overlooked: the customers (and potential customers) served on a daily basis.
Let's get sidetracked for a moment: I've lost track of the number of people at agencies who have been asked the question "If you're so good at SEO, why don't you rank for 'SEO in New York'?" (Or wherever the agency is based.)
The answers vary, but one important thing is almost always the same: when you look at the off-line inquiries, people rarely phone up an SEO agency and say "Hello, I'd like you to perform some SEO for me, to cover a variety of tasks including keyphrase research, on site recommendations and link building" - the phone call is more likely to begin with "Hi there, er, I have a website where I sell my widgets, but I want to sell more, and I think I need to promote the site better online. Someone said there might be stuff you could do to help me?".
To mine this rich source of keywords, you want to teach your front-line staff to spot the 'keyphrases' that are embedded within the first three or four statements the enquirer makes, such as 'sell more online' or 'promote my website'.


How Do I Build the Perfectly Optimized Page?

If you're in SEO, you probably hear this question a lot. Sadly, there's no cut and dry answer, but there are sets of best practices we can draw from and sharpen to help get close. In this blog post, I'm going to share our top recommendations for achieving on-page, keyword-targeting "perfection," or, at least, close to it. Some of these are backed by data points, correlation studies and extensive testing while others are simply gut-feelings based on experience. As with all things SEO, we recommend constant testing and refinement, though this knowledge can help you kick-start the process.


At some point during your University's SEO 201: Advanced Keyword Research & Targeting class, they probably gave a few lectures and case studies on how to effectively split up your keyword research list across multiple pages and use those terms/phrases to maximum benefit. But, for those who might have missed that lesson (which would be, umm, all of us, since no formal education in SEO exists), a handy refresher might be in order.
Many SEOs struggle to answer questions like:
  • How many keywords can I target on a page?
  • Should I try to target all of my most important terms on my homepage (since it gets the most link juice)?
  • When I should try to target similar phrases together vs. splitting them up?
This post is meant to help with precisely those issues.


The long tail of search demand has been around since the dawn of web search and, since that time, search marketers have been attempting to tap into the powerful stream that high quantities of unique content can provide. I recently came across some great data from Hitwise (about 1 year old, but still highly relevant) showing off just how substantive the long tail can be. Bill Tancer's post - Sizing Up the Long Tail - gives some stats:


One of the earliest and arguably most important parts of the SEO process is keyword research. Keyword research helps you answer that all important question, "In what quantities do people use search engines to find the products and services on my website?". Your research process will ultimately govern the method you use to structure your website, inspire your content strategy and kick start your link building campaigns.
So, it's a bit of a shame that some SEO's don’t like doing keyword research. It’s data intensive, requires some heavy lifting with Excel, and, let’s be honest, at times feels a bit like guess work. We're reliant on data to make the right decision, and that decision could have consequences months if not years down the line for your SEO project.


As you start tracking your rankings and taking SEO more seriously, you're bound to ask the question (and we hear it a lot) – "What are ALL of the keywords that my site ranks for?" Sounds simple enough, but it turns out this question isn't just complicated – it's probably unanswerable.
I'm going to walk you through why it's such a tough question, discussing two myths that lead us to ask it in the first place. Then, I'm going to try to at least give you a partial answer – maybe not all, but enough to keep you busy for a long time.


Keyword research is an all too often under-appreciated aspect of SEO.

I've written a few keyword research posts here on SEOmoz and that's because I believe it to be the blueprint of any successful SEO campaign.

Here are some of the more common mistakes that I see people make with their keyword research.

#1 – You're being Unrealistic
"It is better to have a bigger slice of a few smaller pies rather than not getting even a slither of a much bigger pie."
Keyword research appears to be a very straightforward task. You fire up your keyword research tool of choice and find the keywords that relate to your industry with the highest search volumes. Sadly, that's not the way to do it if you want to see real results.


 It's a well-known fact in the SEO world that Google shows enormous favoritism in its rankings to domain names that contain one or more of the keywords being searched for. If your domain name is a close match to the search keywords all glued together, it's as easy as fishing with dynamite to get on page 1 of the SERPs for that search phrase. While some (like me) might argue (like, against Rand) that it's a flaw in the algorithm, it's not a bug--Google deliberately favors this kind of match. If the search is a company name, well the reasoning why [that phrase] .com should rank #1 is obvious...and for everything else,'s pretty reasonable for Google to presume that a site named, for example, is probably pretty much about light bulbs. Whether it's the BEST site for light bulbs is of course another story.


How to Search Keyword Trendsthumbnail
Analyze the trends of keywords.

Analyzing the trends of keywords is essential for Internet marketers and businesses. The public's interest overtime vary greatly among keywords. Seasonal keywords have higher public interest during specific times of the year. Non-seasonal keywords have a stable public interest during all times of the year. Evergreen keywords fluctuate little or rise overtime. News-based keywords typically have peak public interest for a relatively very short time. Google Insights helps determine status of the keywords you are using.


How to Find a Keyword Trendthumbnail
Google Insights is an excellent tool for searching and analyzing keyword trends.

Studying keyword search trends is a useful strategy for media analysts, bloggers, Internet marketing gurus and anyone else looking to monetize content from contextual advertising. Google has a nifty tool that allows users to search for keyword trends. Google Insights for Search analyzes keyword trends and breaks down that information by time period, location, category and type of search. Google Insights is free to use, and data can be exported if the user has a Google account.


 Stand out from your competition by providing your clients with keyword-rich content that not only gives them results but shows them you know what your doing. You will learn how to write keyword-rich content your clients will love. The result will be repeat business and possible word-of-mouth referrals.



Getting Free Traffic From Google & Yahoo

Google and Yahoo! are the most used search engines on the Internet with about 35% of all Internet searches run on one or the other. That's about 70% of all Internet traffic from just two search engines. Actually it's more than 80% when you consider Google's affiliation with AOL, Netscape, and others.
Recently there have been major changes on both these engines. Many sites with top placements have lost their positions while others have achieved top positions on both engines without doing anything.
You can take advantage of these changes and get more traffic from both free.
Recent Changes at Google & Yahoo!
Google recently changed their page ranking system for search results. These changes have far reaching ramifications for your website. The quality and ranking of the pages you link to and those that link to you now matter more than ever.


Creating Keyword Rich Pages
Once you have established the keywords for which you should optimize your site for the search engines, it is time to figure out how you can get a high ranking in the search engines for those keywords. The solution is to create Keyword Rich Pages (KRPs) - pages which provide good content and in which a particular keyword is repeated a number of times so that the page gets a top ranking for that keyword.
This article is focused on how you should create these KRPs. I am assuming you have a working knowledge of the different HTML tags like the Title tag, the Meta Description tag, the Meta Keywords tag, the Heading tags, the Alt Tag etc. If you don't, just go to for a good introduction to such HTML tags.
Now, let us assume that your company sells packaged tours to Australia, and that you are targeting the keyword "travel to australia". Here's how you create the KRPs:


It came to mind today that I should explain people on how to write how to write keyword rich articles get heavy traffic, and i searched on google search page and found the result on top 10 is the title "How to write keyword rich articles" and I started writing to guide you the topic.

Friends it is very simple to start writing on various topics by just researching some keywords on the keyword research programs available on internet, the first thing you have to do keep your mind fresh, try to write daily , atleast an article so that you can improve slowly.

Steps to write traffic rich keywords:             

The first thing you have to do is write down what ever you are searching on google on daily basis, there you get an idea on how to select the topic, and decide what you will write today.

Then after you decide what to write, google search the keywords and write down all the titles which comes on the first top ten results on serp, And give a unique title to your article based on the search just twist the title to your interest and what you are going to write in the article, and repeat all the titles in the article which you find on the google result page in each paragraph. this will give you an idea to write good paragraphs.

People will search for titles mostly with an how so try to write more and more how to articles, by doing so you can get more traffic on your articles and can earn serious money with your ppc and affiliate programs. If you try to write all the titles with each paragraph you can also compete them on the google serps for all the 10 first page results.

So How many articles do you need to write to make money online: it depends on how you are going to write whether the article you are write is helpful to the readers and it is full coverage of high targetting keyword rich article, then you will get heavy returns for your job.

So if you can write using those keyword rich articles on daily basis you will make more and more pages on your blog using the best keyword research techniques and if your articles really help people to solve their problems based on your title, then you can make self employment money now.

Writing good keyword rich articles to help people on the titles you are using on the peoples search trends is the best marketing stratergy and for this the fitness is must, your article should be unique one should help the readers to solve their problems based on the title of the article so that the person visiting your article will stay long and read complete story as well as he will give returns while leaving your article may be it is comment "the extra content" for your article "more keywords" in the comments or "Network marketing leads" or some ppc revenue, or subscribe your blog and become the fixed reader or may be he will be your long time social friend in the future.

If you can read this article and understand what i wanted to say in this article about the keyword rich articles on your blog then I think I had succeded in Revealing the Killer Article Marketing Secrets to you.

So these are the Ideas of a Business Minded Person Working For Free Traffic and Money, you can read the above thing try to understand what i want to say and start writing good and keyword rich articles and get heavy traffic to your blog today Enjoy!


Rich Keywords and Poor Keywords for AdSense Publishers

There is nearly nothing more important to an AdSense campaign other than informative and interesting content, this article will describe how keywords play an important role in maximizing your AdSense income.
Keywords are crucial to the success of your AdSense venture. You will not be able to have relevant advertisements showing up in your sites if there are no significant keywords detected by the Search Engine bots.
When writing, it is not that difficult to incorporate the proper amount of keywords or keyword phrases... known as keyword density, throughout your text.
Standard density is anywhere from 4% - 10%, depending on the niche you are in. Ultimately, it is best if you can stick with one or two keywords or phrases, per article or page.
Do not stuff your content with the same keyword over and over again. While it might seem as though doing so will help to boost your content, higher in search engine rankings, Google actually penalizes you for this.
When you are creating your website, one of your main goals is to write content around high paying keywords. Not necessarily the highest paying keywords, of the month... but the highest paying keywords in YOUR NICHE.
Unfortunately, you will soon discover that if you decide to write content around the highest paying keywords, the competition are so intense that you will lose out to the big dogs out there. It is advisable to stand out small and build it big.
Boredom is also a possibility if you decide to write about nothing but the highest paying keywords. If you do not enjoy the topic you are researching, not only will you quickly lose interest, it will also take you much longer before you have any motivation.
Another option is to write content for both higher and lower paying keywords. The idea behind this method is simple. Your pages that feature higher paying keywords may not enjoy a high search engine ranking, which means they may not receive as much traffic as you expect. But, there is a good chance that the lower paying keyword pages will get search engine traffic and hence, increasing the page views of all your pages.
There are many ways to research popular keywords. Free keyword research tools are available as well as fee based tools (monthly subscription basis). Obviously the fee-based tools will produce better and more extensive results. But if you are working with a limited budget, utilizing a free tool is a good alternative.
In conclusion, your AdSense revenue depends on the keywords you choose when you are writing your content. The more popular the keyword the better chance you have in making more money.
KC is an Internet Entrepreneur who has written three books teaching people how to earn money online. KC recommends RoseHosting for high quality reliable Linux VPS Hosting services and other web services.


Backlink Tracker Pro
Free tool to check your paid / exchanged links. Get alerts when your backlinks have been removed or converted to nofollow links.....Read More

 Website Keyword Suggestions
This tools tries to determine the theme of your website and provides keyword suggestions along with keyword traffic estimates.....Read More

URL Rewriting Tool
This Search Engine Optimisation tool helps you convert dynamic URLs into static looking HTML URLs. . . Read More

Keyword-Rich Domain Suggestion Tool
Having a KEYWORD-RICH domain name is an important factor for Search Engine Optimization. This tool will suggest keyword rich domain names. . . .Read More

Website to Country
Many people wonder why their websites dont rank well in country specific search engines, most of the search engines determines country of the website based on the location of the domain web hosting server. This SEO tool helps determine the Country in which the specified website is Hosted. . . . Read More

Alexa Ranking Tool
This SEO tool allows you to get the Alexa traffic rankings of you and your competitors.
 . . . .> > Read More < <


Close the deal with motivated shoppers by helping them find exactly what they're looking for.
Keywords are actually whole phrases, and "long-tail" keywords are phrases with four or more words in them. Here's an example:

Short keyword: ski vacation
Long-tail keyword: honeymoon ski vacation aspen colorado december 2009

You can see that the long-tail keyword is far more specific and focused than the shorter keyword. But is it worth going after something that specific? There can't be that many people searching for it. Exactly.
With long-tail keywords, it's much easier to get your target market's attention because there's less competition. Most of your competitors aren't concentrating on these keywords, so they are, and always will be, your golden eggs.

The numbers tell the story. For "ski vacation" you'll get results in the tens or hundreds of millions. But for a more specific, long-tail keyword you're only competing with a couple of thousand. That means a lot fewer websites you'll have to climb past to get to the top spot in the search results.


If search engines can't find you, neither can customers. Build your site right.
Your web startup needs to cut through the clutter and reel in customers, and search engine optimization (SEO) can be just the ticket. SEO helps improve your search rankings so your website shows up higher on Google, Yahoo and other popular search engines. "SEO is really [fundamental]. It should be a line item when you're developing your website," says Greg Bozigian, founder and chief media officer of new media marketing company Visionary View.

Know Your Tools

You'll hear a lot of jargon around SEO. This glossary will keep you in the know.

Black hat SEO: Using unethical SEO techniques to boost rankings. Can result in the banning or penalizing of a site by search engines

Keyword stuffing: Using keywords over and over again in an attempt to artificially inflate your search rankings

Organic search optimization: Nonpaid methods of SEO that naturally boost your search engine rankings

Pay-per-click advertising: A paid search approach to SEO that lets you buy ads on search engines. Usually used in conjunction with organic SEO

Search engine marketing (SEM): A blanket term for paid and organic search optimization methods
SEO is about attracting quality leads and buyers ready to make a purchase. Here are six tips for getting the most out of an SEO initiative, according to SEO expert Steve Wiideman:


Learn how affiliate marketing can skyrocket your bottom line.
A staggering $2.1 billion in affiliate marketing fees were paid to blog and website owners in 2008. This finding in a recent study by Jupiter Research confirms what many savvy Internet marketers have known for a while: Affiliate marketing has become one of the top business opportunities online because the startup costs are so low and the income you generate can be mind-blowing.

Affiliate marketing involves having your own site and sending your traffic to someone else's site to buy their products or services. For every sale initiated by a link from your site, you earn a percentage--an affiliate sales commission.

Affiliate marketing can be done on a part-time basis, and many are so successful that they've made it their full-time job. Equally exciting, you can get in the game in just a few hours. But how successful you are is based on the amount of time and effort you devote. Here are six tips to get you started:



If you have a way with words, we have 3 simple steps that'll help increase your web traffic--for free.
Want to increase traffic, build credibility, improve your search engine rankings and get people talking about your business--at no cost? Then open up your word processor, and start writing. By determining your best search keywords, writing an article that includes those keywords and getting it distributed online, you'll be putting yourself on the radar of people looking for what you provide.

Step 1: Set up your site for maximum "searchability."

Your site has to feature the keywords your potential customers use to search for your product if you want them to find you. To determine your keywords, type a word or term you think people in your market might search for into Yahoo! Search Marketing's Keyword Selector Tool to find out how many people searched for that particular term over the past month. It'll also show you a list of related words and phrases and how often they were searched over the last month, too.

Once you've generated a list of useful keyword ideas, you can do some more serious research. Wordtracker goes into more depth to show you not only what people are searching for online but also how many other sites are competing for the same audience. You're looking for search terms that are popular but don't have too many sites competing for them. Wordtracker is a paid service, but you can sign up for a day for less than $8 and for a week for less than $27.
Home > Online Business > Getting Traffic > Write a Keyword-Rich Article to Increase Site Traffic
Write a Keyword-Rich Article to Increase Site Traffic

If you have a way with words, we have 3 simple steps that'll help increase your web traffic--for free.

Want to increase traffic, build credibility, improve your search engine rankings and get people talking about your business--at no cost? Then open up your word processor, and start writing. By determining your best search keywords, writing an article that includes those keywords and getting it distributed online, you'll be putting yourself on the radar of people looking for what you provide.

Step 1: Set up your site for maximum "searchability."

Your site has to feature the keywords your potential customers use to search for your product if you want them to find you. To determine your keywords, type a word or term you think people in your market might search for into Yahoo! Search Marketing's Keyword Selector Tool to find out how many people searched for that particular term over the past month. It'll also show you a list of related words and phrases and how often they were searched over the last month, too.


Content rich means different things for different individuals, because what one person finds useful, another may not. Content rich is all about providing information that is considered valuable to your target audience. Information that visitors might find useful could consist of product or industry facts, statistics, reviews, tutorials, or educational information related to a specific industry.

How to Make Your Website Content Rich

When creating a content rich website, do not be afraid to think outside of the box. Unique ideas will generally garner more attention than the mundane and more common content concepts. Over the years the unique content that has garnered the most attention, the Subservient Chicken and JibJab, may not be appropriate for a business website, there are still lots of “out of the box” things that you can do.

Here are some ideas on how you can build content for your website that will attract website visitors.



You might run a wonderful advertising campaign; develop viral marketing tools and attractive affiliate programs. But unless your Website is rich in content, the traffic spikes that result from your efforts will only be transient. Content that is useful, valuable, informative, educational or just plain entertaining can attract and retain an audience better than anything else.

Anyone can create a content-rich Website by following a few key points:

· Be disciplined
· Update your site regularly
· Know how to create content, or where to find it

Discipline and Commitment

To create your content-rich Website, you need tunnel vision and a laser sharp focus. In a word; self discipline. It’s easy to waste hours, even days, clicking your way from one site to another. Don’t let yourself be distracted: limit your online content explorations only to Websites and resources that are directly connected to your site’s subject.

Discipline also extends to content creation. Successful writers do not wait for inspiration before beginning their work. Instead, they develop a regular writing schedule, and they stick to it. Wether they feel like it or not, they sit down at a desk and write.

You too must develop a schedule to add content to your Website, and follow it. Nike has the right idea – ‘Just Do It’!

Regular Updates to your Website

Nothing is deader than an untended Website.

Regularly updating or modifying your Website’s content gives you an edge over the competition. People will keep returning to your site if they notice something new to see, learn from or enjoy each time.
